Tricinty décide de faire passer le
courant alternatif en réunissant 15 groupes incontournables sur cette
compilation !
Du rock indé au black en passant par le
hardcore ou le punk,…un paquet de sous genres ont été passés en revue pour en
retenir quelques étincelles qui rallumeront la flamme (Rock, Metal, Hardcore)
de la scène marocaine. Une scène examinée à la loupe pour créer un assemblage qui
vise clairement à faire la lumière sur ces 10 dernières années de production
musicale. La sélection fut laborieuse car il est impossible d’être exhaustif,
alors si vous ne retrouvez pas l’un ou l’autre de vos titres phares, sachez que
nous nous sommes acharnés à faire en sorte que tout fan de musique musclée Made
in Maroc y trouve son compte. Cette compil encourage clairement les efforts des
quelques groupes qui se sont saignés pour laisser une trace de leur parcours en
produisant un LP, un EP ou un simple enregistrement. On ne va pas se mentir, en
2015, plus personne n’achète de cd ni de merchandising à part quelques irréductibles
collectionneurs. C’est donc un challenge à peine déguisé que de sortir ce
premier volume de compilation de groupes marocains. Et si ces groupes ont soulevé
le défi d’enregistrer leurs créations en bravant toutes les galères que vous
devinez, cette compil les salue et fait d’une pierre deux coups : vous en
mettre plein les oreilles et soutenir tous les combos bien de chez nous.
L’aventure démarre par la
sortie d’une version digitale suivie d’un disque lequel, sera fait en DIY, avec
les moyens du bord, soit nos petites mains, plus habituées à gratter qu’à coller. Tricinty la
compil, érige la débrouillardise, et le Do It Yourself en symbole de solidarité et d’appartenance à la communauté. Parlez-en autour de vous et allez sur la page
pour téléchargez les titres sur Bandcamp
Merci !
Tricinty decides to electrify things up by uniting 15 bands in this compilation!
From indie rock to black through hardcore or punk... A package of subgenres has been reviewed in order to retain a few sparks that would reignite the flame (Rock, Metal, Hardcore) of the Moroccan scene. A scene that has been scrutinized under the microscope in order to create an assembly that intends to shed light on the past 10 years of music production. The selection process was very laborious because it's impossible to be exhaustive, so if you can not find one of your most celebrated songs, you should know that we have been extremely diligent to make sure that all fans of powerful music, produced by moroccan bands can find what they are looking for. The objective of this compilation is to encourage the efforts made by some bands that have struggled to leave a trace of their journeys by producing LPs, EPs, or singles. Let's not lie to ourselves, in 2015, apart from a few diehard collectors, nobody buys CDs or other types of merchandises. Thus, producing this first volume of this compilation is a barely disguised challenge. And if these bands have defied all troubles you can imagine in order to record their productions, then this compilation salutes them and hits two birds with one stone: Get to listen to really good music and support local bands.
The adventure starts with the production of a digital version that will be followed by a disc which will be made in DIY. That is, our hands that are more used to scratching than pasting. Tricinty, the compilation, celebrates the DIY, with the means available, spirit as a symbol of solidarity and belonging to the community. So, talk to the people around you about it and download the songs at Bandcamp
Tricinty decides to electrify things up by uniting 15 bands in this compilation!
From indie rock to black through hardcore or punk... A package of subgenres has been reviewed in order to retain a few sparks that would reignite the flame (Rock, Metal, Hardcore) of the Moroccan scene. A scene that has been scrutinized under the microscope in order to create an assembly that intends to shed light on the past 10 years of music production. The selection process was very laborious because it's impossible to be exhaustive, so if you can not find one of your most celebrated songs, you should know that we have been extremely diligent to make sure that all fans of powerful music, produced by moroccan bands can find what they are looking for. The objective of this compilation is to encourage the efforts made by some bands that have struggled to leave a trace of their journeys by producing LPs, EPs, or singles. Let's not lie to ourselves, in 2015, apart from a few diehard collectors, nobody buys CDs or other types of merchandises. Thus, producing this first volume of this compilation is a barely disguised challenge. And if these bands have defied all troubles you can imagine in order to record their productions, then this compilation salutes them and hits two birds with one stone: Get to listen to really good music and support local bands.
The adventure starts with the production of a digital version that will be followed by a disc which will be made in DIY. That is, our hands that are more used to scratching than pasting. Tricinty, the compilation, celebrates the DIY, with the means available, spirit as a symbol of solidarity and belonging to the community. So, talk to the people around you about it and download the songs at Bandcamp
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